Finding the Voice: Benefits of Singing Lessons for Children with Autism

"Your work is the real sunshine as it comes from the depth of your soul where no one can see. You are a blessing." -Student's Mother When we enter the world of autism, see from their perspective of 100% non-ego attachment, we do indeed see the divine. The result is breathtaking.  In my vocal studio, I tailor each lesson to meet the individual needs of every student. My son, who has autism, has been my greatest teacher. I have a quest and ability to help other parents of children with autism find their child's unique strengths, their inner and outer voice. By approaching teaching through the lens of autism, I can show parents how to apply teaching techniques incorporating visual, sensory, and auditory inputs. The end result is increased focus, eye contact, concentration, ability to sing, and reduction of sensory overload. It is so fun to see excited parents watching their child's attention span and eye contact dramatically increase and blossom. The benefit for the parent is a better connection to the child with less exhaustion and frustration. I am teaching the parent by giving them the necessary tools and how to use them. It's teamwork! Look for future posts about how homeschooling my autistic son has informed my teaching ability to help students of all kinds.  If you are not in Austin, check out my videos online that demonstrate singing, breathing and the mind-body connection in the Beginner's Bundle. About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:11-05:00March 16th, 2015|Blog, News, Singing Lessons, Student Updates, Testimonials|

Finding Your Unique Voice, Your Unique Way

Finding your best voice is finding your unique voice. No voice is like another. No brain is like another. We all have different neural cues in our brain that help us remember how it feels to sing clearly and effortlessly. In the Julie Brown Voice Studio, I do instant vocal analysis and identify my students' unique neural cues to help them find their original voice. This comes in very handy for my artistic students who write their own music and helps you, as a performer, stand out. No matter what level you are, you can apply the AcapellaDiva method to find your unique voice, your unique way. Certain words help access technique and they are unique to each singer. I help my students identify their cue so they are able to access singing effortlesslly at their every "beck and call". These easy cues help you remember your technique outside the studio. When this technique is mastered, the sky is the limit! Sing your best! Julie About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva℠. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and [...]

Creating Your Optimal Vocal Resonance

Often when we try to sing with ease and clarity, things can get in the way such as shallow breathing, tightness of the abdomen, and jaw tension. In order for us to create the most clear, resonant frequencies, we must be aware of all the factors that go into effect. In the Julie Brown Voice Studio (incorporating the Acapelladiva℠ method) we create conscious posture and conscious breath control resulting in optimal overtones. The clarity of your voice gives goosebumps to your audience. Only with the correct placement of tone can we achieve resonance, and have true control over dynamics and phrasing. We achieve optimal resonant overtones in the Julie Brown Voice Studio rapidly with the Acapelladiva method. Take your singing to the next level. Visit and sing your best! All the best, Julie

By |2024-06-08T22:08:11-05:00February 24th, 2015|Blog, Professional Tips, Singing Lessons|

Men With Low Voices: How To Sing Higher

The tendency that baritones who first enter my studio have is to sing powerfully with force and effort. However, this is a detriment if we put too much weight in our sound in the higher range. There is a balance, just like when riding a horse. Your voice is the horse. There are subtle ways to direct it, so that it will jump and move with agility. Same with your voice. Use the reins (or your breath) to make the horse (or your voice) move effortlessly. Pulling too hard will cause a horse to choke on the bit just as restricted breathing causes your voice to crack. Unsupported singing can cause damage to your voice. Weight in the voice causes tension and restricts breathing. Think less like a tough gladiator when attempting fast, high notes. Be a laid back David rather than a hulking Goliath. Don't Goliath your falsetto! Lastly, try not to over-analyze, or question your ability to implement technique. When we do that we become our worst critics, and self-sabotage our effort. It's a fine balance. Julie Brown voice studio implements the one of a kind methodology where singing with ease comes from proper technique. It's a holistic approach to successful singing.   About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00May 22nd, 2014|Blog, Lessons, Professional Tips|

Self-Nurture Tips For Singers

This post is inspired by Leonard Bronik, a very dear friend, who lovingly shares his wisdom of 70+ years. 1. Act in every moment, and each moment thereafter in awareness of nourishing your "self". 2. Execute every action purposefully. Actions, like musical notes, become the music. 3. As singers, we must take care of ourselves by mindfully choosing nourishing actions, just as athletes nourish their bodies to perform at peak level. We too are athletes. We must have discipline to empower our inner voices to have the confidence to follow our dreams.   For example we can choose the following: Get plenty of sleep, preferably eight hours. Drinking plenty of water. Surround ourselves with loving, positive friends, and family. Avoid toxic situations and people, just like you avoid junk food and cigarettes. Savor every moment of every day. Be grateful for every breath you take. Look at each action you take at nourishing yourself each and every moment, and thereafter. As a result, you'll go out and sing your best! Ask yourself: How am I nourishing (your name)? What actions does (your name) choose to take right now that is nourishing? It's not just the thought, it's the action that counts.   About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00May 10th, 2014|Blog, Health, Psychology of the singer|

Psychology of Singer: Be Your Best Fan!

Have the willingness to see clearly: Be Your Best Fan and Achieve Your Goals. I often tell my students to will themselves to be calm, and see clearly while visualizing their success.  Combine this with the Acapelladiva method  of  proper breathing, support, and clear sound placement. Employing these tools,  I remind students to ease their negative thoughts or performance anxiety by conquering their thoughts. Often we let others who criticize us determine our destiny, or we become our worst critics  in our minds and undermine and sabotage ourselves. This totally limits our potential as singers. There are plenty of critics out there  so choose be your Best Fan Not your worst critic! Conquer self defeating thoughts acknowledge your successes each and every day. Master your mind as well as your voice. When mastered you are a singer who knows infinite possibilities the universe has to offer. About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers. You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00April 24th, 2014|Blog, Health, Professional Tips, stamina|

Outside of Class: Visual Reminders

  Now incorporating beautiful Julie Brown Voice Studio "Conscious Breathing Bracelets" for my students as visual cues for them to wear as reminders to consciously breathe. Visual cues serve as neural reminders to help reinforce new vocal technical concepts and neural pathways. 

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00April 6th, 2014|Blog, Lessons|