Take 20 Years off your Speaking Voice in One Lesson

I help students in one lesson master their breath control and support which results in a more resonant confident speaking tone. Poor breath support causes us to wear our voices out. This leads to improper placement. Come to Julie Brown Voice Studio for a  Speaking Voice  Makeover.  Politicians, Public speakers, teachers, attorneys and salesmen benefit greatly from these valuable tools.   This is a 20 sec clip of Kathy's speaking voice at the beginning and end of the lesson. At the beginning her voice was more scratchy sounding due to the lack of air supporting her voice. I supplied the Acapelladiva method of breathing which  led to a more supported clear and youthful tone. As the head of hiring at a major corporation, she was so pleased to see that her voice kept the interviewees at ease and that she experienced a more successful interview and fruitful hiring process.

By |2016-06-10T19:50:07-05:00June 10th, 2016|Blog, Lessons, Speaking Voice, Voice Makeover|

Identifying Correct Singing While Practicing On Your Own

    There are tools we can follow to assist us in determining whether or not our tone placement is correct. Often people will say, "I can do it in the studio, but I'm having difficulties at home." My answer to that question is to reassess how you practice. Incorporate your visual skills: see the tone always going out. Incorporate your sensory skills: feel the resonance in the proper bone structures. And of course, hearing skills: some students like to have a microphone to hear their voice better. Breathing correctly is often the solution. To find out more about these tools and schedule private lessons, contact Julie Brown at julie@juliebrownvoicestudio.com and check out the website: juliebrownvoicestudio.com  

By |2024-06-08T22:08:12-05:00October 13th, 2014|Blog, Lessons, Professional Tips, Singing Lessons, Tips and Info|

Men With Low Voices: How To Sing Higher

The tendency that baritones who first enter my studio have is to sing powerfully with force and effort. However, this is a detriment if we put too much weight in our sound in the higher range. There is a balance, just like when riding a horse. Your voice is the horse. There are subtle ways to direct it, so that it will jump and move with agility. Same with your voice. Use the reins (or your breath) to make the horse (or your voice) move effortlessly. Pulling too hard will cause a horse to choke on the bit just as restricted breathing causes your voice to crack. Unsupported singing can cause damage to your voice. Weight in the voice causes tension and restricts breathing. Think less like a tough gladiator when attempting fast, high notes. Be a laid back David rather than a hulking Goliath. Don't Goliath your falsetto! Lastly, try not to over-analyze, or question your ability to implement technique. When we do that we become our worst critics, and self-sabotage our effort. It's a fine balance. Julie Brown voice studio implements the one of a kind methodology where singing with ease comes from proper technique. It's a holistic approach to successful singing.   About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00May 22nd, 2014|Blog, Lessons, Professional Tips|

Outside of Class: Visual Reminders

  Now incorporating beautiful Julie Brown Voice Studio "Conscious Breathing Bracelets" for my students as visual cues for them to wear as reminders to consciously breathe. Visual cues serve as neural reminders to help reinforce new vocal technical concepts and neural pathways. 

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00April 6th, 2014|Blog, Lessons|

Technique Tip: Conscious Posture

Conscious posture begins with conscious appropriate thought. Just as I tell my students to consciously breathe  I also emphasize conscious posture. Proper body alignment takes awareness. Not just at lessons but 24/7. My students wear their conscious breathing/posture bracelets to facilitate neural connections where they incorporate conscious posture at all times. This also promotes feeling well-being and calmness. Make this a daily habit. It is a gift to yourself to have conscious posture which in turn promotes conscious breathing and beautiful singing. Sing your best! Julie

By |2024-06-08T22:08:14-05:00April 6th, 2014|Blog, Health, Lessons|


[S3VIDEO file='VIDEO 48 Allison sings to Baby Jackson all the time.mov'] VIDEO 48 Allison sings to Baby Jackson all the time Lesson outline and description.

By |2024-06-08T22:08:15-05:00October 5th, 2013|DIVA Package, VIP DIVA Package|


[S3VIDEO file='VIDEO 44 Warm up Acapelladiva Resonance exercises with Charlotte.mov'] VIDEO 44 Warm up Acapelladiva Resonance exercises with Charlotte Lesson outline and description.

By |2024-06-08T22:08:15-05:00October 5th, 2013|DIVA Package, VIP DIVA Package|
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