The tendency that baritones who first enter my studio have is to sing powerfully with force and effort. However, this is a detriment if we put too much weight in our sound in the higher range. There is a balance, just like when riding a horse. Your voice is the horse. There are subtle ways to direct it, so that it will jump and move with agility. Same with your voice. Use the reins (or your breath) to make the horse (or your voice) move effortlessly. Pulling too hard will cause a horse to choke on the bit just as restricted breathing causes your voice to crack. Unsupported singing can cause damage to your voice. Weight in the voice causes tension and restricts breathing. Think less like a tough gladiator when attempting fast, high notes. Be a laid back David rather than a hulking Goliath. Don’t Goliath your falsetto! Lastly, try not to over-analyze, or question your ability to implement technique. When we do that we become our worst critics, and self-sabotage our effort. It’s a fine balance. Julie Brown voice studio implements the one of a kind methodology where singing with ease comes from proper technique. It’s a holistic approach to successful singing.
About Julie Brown Voice Studio
The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format.
An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers.
You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ at +Juliebrownvoicestudioone, on her YouTube Channel: JulieBrownVoiceStudio, and see her client reviews on Yelp.
Acapelladiva and Gothera are registered trademarks of Julie C. Brown