VIDEO 16 I’m cool, calm, confident, competent and complete

[S3VIDEO file='VIDEO 16 IM COOL CALM CONFIDENT COMPETENT AND'] VIDEO 16 I'm cool, calm, confident, competent and complete Rocky incorporates the appropriate singer's mind dialogue to help her overcome her stage fright of the cameras filming her.  With proper mind dialog she breathes deeply and is calm. This is important to know whenever you perform or ever have stage fright.

By |2024-06-08T22:08:18-05:00October 5th, 2013|Beginner Bundle, Bravo Bundle, Builder Bundle, DIVA Package, VIP DIVA Package|

VIDEO 8 Vibrator

[S3VIDEO file='VIDEO 8'] VIDEO 8 Vibrator I discuss my controversial stand of NEVER thinking nor focusing nor studying the diagrams of larynx and vocal anatomy as it is detrimental to the singers mind and success. Unless you are planning to be an ENT doctor forget it so you wont sing in your neck.

By |2024-06-08T22:08:19-05:00October 5th, 2013|Bravo Bundle, Builder Bundle, DIVA Package, VIP DIVA Package|
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