Being in the Now when you Sing

Often when students enter the studio they freeze up when they perform. To perform you must be in the now. Students think of what they will do next ie lyrics, technical placement of sound  When they think of other things they are not in the now. When one is in the now one has the power to send emotion with intensity and sing with expression and emotion. This is what moves the audience and make a dynamic performer who moves the audience into the NOW.  Take it a step further and be in the now in all areas of your life!

Finding Your Unique Voice, Your Unique Way

Finding your best voice is finding your unique voice. No voice is like another. No brain is like another. We all have different neural cues in our brain that help us remember how it feels to sing clearly and effortlessly. In the Julie Brown Voice Studio, I do instant vocal analysis and identify my students' unique neural cues to help them find their original voice. This comes in very handy for my artistic students who write their own music and helps you, as a performer, stand out. No matter what level you are, you can apply the AcapellaDiva method to find your unique voice, your unique way. Certain words help access technique and they are unique to each singer. I help my students identify their cue so they are able to access singing effortlesslly at their every "beck and call". These easy cues help you remember your technique outside the studio. When this technique is mastered, the sky is the limit! Sing your best! Julie About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva℠. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and [...]

Voice Students, Knowing Your Potential With The Tools You Have

Many times students come into my studio and they have thoughts of a limitation due to experiences in the past. One way I help people realize their potential is to think of the present and follow up in the future. Being in the present means breathing correctly, being calm, and eliminating negative self-talk. As singers we are vulnerable and exposed, as we are the instrument and we take personally how people react to our voice. We must be our best fan, not our worst critic! When you are your best fan you will reach your potential, especially when you incorporate the Acapelladiva℠ method of conscious thought, conscious breathing, and conscious action. Learn more about the Acapelladiva method to utilize the tools to help you reach your vocal potential. Sing your best and speak your best! Love, Julie

By |2024-06-08T22:08:12-05:00January 31st, 2015|Blog, Health, Professional Tips, Psychology of the singer, Singing Lessons|

Self-Nurture Tips For Singers

This post is inspired by Leonard Bronik, a very dear friend, who lovingly shares his wisdom of 70+ years. 1. Act in every moment, and each moment thereafter in awareness of nourishing your "self". 2. Execute every action purposefully. Actions, like musical notes, become the music. 3. As singers, we must take care of ourselves by mindfully choosing nourishing actions, just as athletes nourish their bodies to perform at peak level. We too are athletes. We must have discipline to empower our inner voices to have the confidence to follow our dreams.   For example we can choose the following: Get plenty of sleep, preferably eight hours. Drinking plenty of water. Surround ourselves with loving, positive friends, and family. Avoid toxic situations and people, just like you avoid junk food and cigarettes. Savor every moment of every day. Be grateful for every breath you take. Look at each action you take at nourishing yourself each and every moment, and thereafter. As a result, you'll go out and sing your best! Ask yourself: How am I nourishing (your name)? What actions does (your name) choose to take right now that is nourishing? It's not just the thought, it's the action that counts.   About Julie Brown Voice Studio The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format. An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00May 10th, 2014|Blog, Health, Psychology of the singer|