Singers Know Your Voice

In my studio, I have often been asked the question.."How do I sing like my favorite singer?" I always ask 'What is it that you like about your favorite singer? Is it the dynamic phrasing, the emotion, the words, the passionate performance, the clarity of sound and diverse emotion expressed through the singers voice and presence?" I say incorporate the best aspects of them but never copy them and  try to sound exactly like this person or be that person.  You will be too busy copying and  trying to be them and you will have a diluted disconnected performance and not be aware of your own voice. The true singer knows himself/herself and her voice. To be another singer is not possible because No human voice is identical. We are all unique human beings. Our voice with the proper tools of breathing, clarity of sound and vocal control enables us to freely access  our unique gift from God. We must connect to the lyrics and our soul to the music. When this is achieved, a dynamic singer is present. Think back on Michael Jackson his dynamic presence, clear voice, connection to words he sangs with the soul he felt not to mention his ability to incorporate dance with  the  incredible moon walk. There is only one Michael Jackson.  He still is here hologram form as his performance lives on in our hearts. We are dynamic singers when we connect to the words and make them our own. Be the poet of your lyrics and your Sing your Best. No need to ever copy because you have the correct tools with the Acapelladiva Method to create the dynamics, the sound tone you want. Your instrument is [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:12-05:00June 29th, 2014|Blog, Tips and Info|

Preservation Tips for Pros

The most important thing for any professional singer is the preservation of their voice and musical instrument. which is your most important asset. This asset can not be replaced if lost. This post  highlights the importance of tools to preserve the voice. Voice student Hayes Carll works so hard  performing tours ten months a year.  He has come to me for tools to help him increase his stamina endurance and preservation of his soulful lush rich voice. As a coloratura opera  singer   and vocal instructor I know the value of preserving the voice by employing the proper vocal technical tools. Very few vocal teachers know how to do this.  I was taught this with Pavorotti's coach on proper techniques.. Note I sing as lush and clearly as I did when I was 19 years old. It would break a persons heart is to lose their voice. All professionals know their livelihood is contingent on their vocal health. Every professional should get a good vocal coach who knows how to  help you preserve your instrument and understands the correct breathing, support, resonance all encompassed in the Acapelladiva method. Even accomplished musicians need  coaching and vocal tools every now and then to increase stamina in order  deliver more powerful performances and  and  preserve their voice. Now Hayes Carll has tools to help him preserve his voice for the next 20 years. Too many people with beautiful voices lose it because they don't know the right techniques to preserve the beauty of their voice. Even great singers and athletes need coaches. The reason they do is to  refine their voices with effective tools.. Tiger Woods has a coach,  Michael Jackson,  Pavarotti had a coach ( I was [...]

By |2024-06-08T22:08:13-05:00April 13th, 2014|Blog, Professional Tips, stamina, Student Updates, Uncategorized|