Identifying Correct Singing While Practicing On Your Own
There are tools we can follow to assist us in determining whether or not our tone placement is correct. Often people will say, “I can do it in the studio, but I’m having difficulties at home.” My answer to that question is to reassess how you practice. Incorporate your visual skills: see the tone always going out. Incorporate your sensory skills: feel the resonance in the proper bone structures. And of course, hearing skills: some students like to have a microphone to hear their voice better. Breathing correctly is often the solution.
To find out more about these tools and schedule private lessons, contact Julie Brown at and check out the website:
Singers Know Your Voice
In my studio, I have often been asked the question..”How do I sing like my favorite singer?” I always ask ‘What is it that you like about your favorite singer? Is it the dynamic phrasing, the emotion, the words, the passionate performance, the clarity of sound and diverse emotion expressed through the singers voice and presence?” I say incorporate the best aspects of them but never copy them and try to sound exactly like this person or be that person. You will be too busy copying and trying to be them and you will have a diluted disconnected performance and not be aware of your own voice.
The true singer knows himself/herself and her voice. To be another singer is not possible because No human voice is identical. We are all unique human beings. Our voice with the proper tools of breathing, clarity of sound and vocal control enables us to freely access our unique gift from God. We must connect to the lyrics and our soul to the music. When this is achieved, a dynamic singer is present.
Think back on Michael Jackson his dynamic presence, clear voice, connection to words he sangs with the soul he felt not to mention his ability to incorporate dance with the incredible moon walk. There is only one Michael Jackson. He still is here hologram form as his performance lives on in our hearts. We are dynamic singers when we connect to the words and make them our own. Be the poet of your lyrics and your Sing your Best. No need to ever copy because you have the correct tools with the Acapelladiva Method to create the dynamics, the sound tone you want. Your instrument is yours.
Know your voice and embrace it. I love to help singers become great singers. It is my pleasure to share my tools so that more singers today have vocal ease and agility to achieve their vocal potential and Sing their Best!
About Julie Brown Voice Studio
The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format.
An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers.
You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ at +Juliebrownvoicestudioone, on her YouTube Channel: JulieBrownVoiceStudio, and see her client reviews on Yelp.
Acapelladiva and Gothera are registered trademarks of Julie C. Brown
Singing and Speaking are One
In the Julie Brown Voice studio not only do I give tools to help students sing their best I also teach them the skills to help them speak their best. Clarity of sound in speech is just as powerful and profound as a clear resonant singing voice. It catches the full undivided attention of the audience, be it one person or in front of thousands.
Singing and Speaking are ONE.
Singing is speaking in slow motion on chosen pitch. It truly reflects who you are. When people speak in a quiet, dull, monotone manner, others make judgments and assume the speaker has no confidence. The fact is they speak out of habit or out of just not being aware.
Inattention: I help you become aware! You will become conscience of the mechanics of proper sound production in singing and speech. It is a matter of technique. My one of a kind methodology of accessing your particular style through my Julie Brown Acapelladiva instant analysis will be able to determine your mechanical issues and what is impairing the production of resonant, clear, confident sound.
Call it a Catch-22 or domino effect, but it really is based on an ever increasing negative feedback loop. One can become shy and lose confidence if they are not heard the way they want to be heard or worse yet are totally ignored.
A clear, resonant, confident voice can have profound effects. I have students who have found their speaking voice using the Acapelladiva Method and have ended up with job promotions, winning law cases, increased sales quotas, and marketing wins; actors and voice over actors and actresses who have more command of their role with the tools to help them access a variety of characters and take on leading film roles; even moms and dads who tell me that their children respond better and listen when they give them instructions in a newfound resonant voice, as children are the best listeners and a child’s ear can hear tones and inflection better than adults.
Case in point, I commanded the full attention of both my first grade class and my university Music History class because I spoke and speak like the way I sing: With proper sound production clarity and phrasing.
You might say that I have an unfair advantage with 20 years of training, practice, and instruction, but that is exactly why I say you can do this. I will give you the tools and instruction to help you access your true best voice. Remember, speaking and singing are one.
We love to hear clear supported expressive voices when either spoken or sung. We have embedded in our minds timeless speeches such as: Martin Luther King’s “I have dream..”, or and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “All we have to fear it fear itself..” , or JFK’s “Ask not what your country can do for you…” These speakers expressively varied their voice in pitch, tone and meter, and expression. Their mind and voices are one.
It is the dynamic speaker who conveys power and confidence by varying pitch, intonation, inflection and expression. A monotone speaking voice loses an audience’s attention just as quickly as an unphrased, unsupported, incorrectly produced singing voice does. Why not incorporate both these tools to access your best voice, increase your confidence, and expand your aura of influence, and banish your shyness.
Yes, I used to be shy.. Once I began to sing, I found my voice! This comes in handy above and beyond the rest of your life. If you want to be heard, never underestimate your power.. the power of your voice. I help you recognize your strengths, and using my method helps you realize and access your full potential. Quit underestimating your power. Live consciously, you have access to the tools to be heard. We all have a voice! Make your voice be heard! Let it reflect you! Sing and Speak your best!!
Julie Brown Voice Studio
About Julie Brown Voice Studio
The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format.
An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers.
You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ at +Juliebrownvoicestudioone, on her YouTube Channel: JulieBrownVoiceStudio, and see her client reviews on Yelp.
Acapelladiva and Gothera are registered trademarks of Julie C. Brown
Men With Low Voices: How To Sing Higher
The tendency that baritones who first enter my studio have is to sing powerfully with force and effort. However, this is a detriment if we put too much weight in our sound in the higher range. There is a balance, just like when riding a horse. Your voice is the horse. There are subtle ways to direct it, so that it will jump and move with agility. Same with your voice. Use the reins (or your breath) to make the horse (or your voice) move effortlessly. Pulling too hard will cause a horse to choke on the bit just as restricted breathing causes your voice to crack. Unsupported singing can cause damage to your voice. Weight in the voice causes tension and restricts breathing. Think less like a tough gladiator when attempting fast, high notes. Be a laid back David rather than a hulking Goliath. Don’t Goliath your falsetto! Lastly, try not to over-analyze, or question your ability to implement technique. When we do that we become our worst critics, and self-sabotage our effort. It’s a fine balance. Julie Brown voice studio implements the one of a kind methodology where singing with ease comes from proper technique. It’s a holistic approach to successful singing.
About Julie Brown Voice Studio
The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format.
An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers.
You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ at +Juliebrownvoicestudioone, on her YouTube Channel: JulieBrownVoiceStudio, and see her client reviews on Yelp.
Acapelladiva and Gothera are registered trademarks of Julie C. Brown
Self-Nurture Tips For Singers
This post is inspired by Leonard Bronik, a very dear friend, who lovingly shares his wisdom of 70+ years.
1. Act in every moment, and each moment thereafter in awareness of nourishing your “self”.
2. Execute every action purposefully. Actions, like musical notes, become the music.
3. As singers, we must take care of ourselves by mindfully choosing nourishing actions, just as athletes nourish their bodies to perform at peak level. We too are athletes. We must have discipline to empower our inner voices to have the confidence to follow our dreams.
For example we can choose the following:
- Get plenty of sleep, preferably eight hours.
- Drinking plenty of water.
- Surround ourselves with loving, positive friends, and family. Avoid toxic situations and people, just like you avoid junk food and cigarettes.
- Savor every moment of every day. Be grateful for every breath you take.
- Look at each action you take at nourishing yourself each and every moment, and thereafter.
As a result, you’ll go out and sing your best!
Ask yourself:
How am I nourishing (your name)?
What actions does (your name) choose to take right now that is nourishing? It’s not just the thought, it’s the action that counts.
About Julie Brown Voice Studio
The Julie Brown Voice Studio is an internationally acclaimed salon located in Austin, Texas, U.S.A. The studio’s proprietor, Julie C. Brown, is an accomplished performer and instructor in voice technique, singing, and vocal control. In addition to Julie Brown Voice Studio, Ms. Brown is also President and CEO of Sing Your Best Julie Brown Voice Studio, an online instructional website featuring many of her unique vocal teaching techniques in video format.
An international opera singer and performer, Ms. Brown is also known by her stage name of Acapelladiva®. She is the creator of the genera of music that combines heavy metal / gothic rhythm with opera overlays know as Gothera®. Her students include celebrity artists and singers from established and upcoming bands in all genres from all over the world. Ms. Brown does not just give vocal instruction, but creates singers.
You can also follow Julie Brown Voice Studio on Twitter at @JulieBrownVoice, on Facebook at Julie Brown Voice Studio, on Google+ at +Juliebrownvoicestudioone, on her YouTube Channel: JulieBrownVoiceStudio, and see her client reviews on Yelp.
Acapelladiva and Gothera are registered trademarks of Julie C. Brown